Guiding Light:

Newsgroup Information

Last Modified April 3, 2016

What is a Newsgroup?
How Do You Access a Newsgroup?
Other Newsgroups of Interest
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What is a newsgroup?

A newsgroup is a medium which allows people to exchange ideas and information. A newsgroup is basically a forum for discussion. Users post their ideas on a particular subject and other users respond over a period of time. The network which allows this exchange of information between all newsgroups is called Usenet. Usenet is not the Internet, but is a part of it; its traffic flows through the Internet.

Ideas on the same subject make up a thread. Messages which have been written by different people at different times can still be part of the same thread. By following a thread, one can read all responses to a particular subject.

How Do You Access a Newsgroup?

You need a browser in order to access a newsgroup. There are several browsers out on the web available for downloading. If your site doesn't have access to Usenet news, or to the newsgroup, you can also get much of the information provided on the newsgroup from the Guiding Light mailing lists.

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Guiding Light

Cari D. Burstein - cdaveb AT anybrowser DOT org