Subject: Rot Soaps - From Here to There Part 11 >From Here to There Part #11-What Aren't You Telling Me? by A editor extraordinaire- Emily S Open up to Company where Blake and Holly are sitting with the children enjoying a late afternoon lunch. Blake is bringing Holly up to date on Ross' comings and goings. Holly:(knowing Blake is leaving something out) What aren't you telling me? Blake:(giving the children animal cookies) Nothing. Ross comes by almost daily now to spend time with the boys. (to the boys) You just love your daddy, don't you? (sits up) It's nice; the boys need the stability. We've settled into a quiet, and rather civil, routine. Holly:(suspicious, knowing her daughter too well) Routine and civil. Now, those sound like Ross, but not my darling daughter. You don't expect me to believe you have settled into dysfunctional bliss? Blake:(thinks how great Holly looks) Mom, you really look fabulous. I hope I age as gracefully. (back to the topic at hand) Who is settling? I'm not settling. Holly:(smiles) I should have known. What have you done, Blake? Or, would that be better put, who have you done? As if I didn't know. Blake:(a little shocked at her mom's choice of words, covers the boys ears in mock horror) Mom!! (to Meg) You really need to have a talk with her. She isn't acting with the least bit of decorum, not grandmotherly at all! (Meg grins at her sister.) Holly:(laughs) I knew Ross didn't stand a chance the day he said, and I quote, "I'm a big boy. I can handle Blake." Blake: Just what are you saying, Mom? Holly:(happy that she now shares such a close relationship with her daughter) Nobody deals with you, Blake. You have this way of... (searches for the right word) of just happening, before anyone realizes what has hit them. (Holly leans over and hugs Blake, holding her face for a minute.) Good for you. Blake:(raises her eyebrow) You make me sound like a natural diaster. Holly:(joking, enjoying the smile that is so rare these days on Blake's face) If the hurricane fits... Blake:(thinking about the day Ross kissed her) It was only a kiss. But, in this case, a kiss was not just a kiss; it *was* a breakthrough. ************************ Meanwhile, we find Fletcher and Ross hanging out at the Reade's, hunkered down watching a baseball game and sharing a few beers. Ross has been talking aimlessly for the past several minute. On a commercial break, Fletch looks at him inquisitively trying to sort out what he has been saying. Fletcher: Are you saying you suffer an addiction? Ross:(feeling, philosophical) No. I'm just attempting to get some perspective. For instance, why do our bodies crave things that will ultimately destroy them? Fletcher:(seeing Ross really wants to pursue this, decides to humour him) Such as? Ross: Oh, you know. Alcohol, drugs.... Fletcher:(puzzled) Ross, are you drunk? Ross: No. Fletcher:(cajoling) Have you been finding yourself reaching for the baby aspirin? (more serious, not knowing what Ross might be trying to say) Are you using drugs? Ross: Come on. No, I have never... used drugs, that is. Well, there were the sixities. Do they count? I swear I never inhaled. Fletcher: Maybe you should have. (wishing Ross would just be straight and say what's on his mind) Ok, so your body isn't addicted to alcohol or drugs... What's left? Hmmm... That leaves the big one... S.E.X. Ross, are you a nymphomaniac!? (Fletcher holds up his hands) Don't answer that; it falls under the "too much information" category. Ross is looking at Fletcher wondering what the hell he is talking about, almost certain he is jesting. Fletcher:(forging on, knowing from the look on Ross' face he is getting to the real issue) So, this sex thing; is it general or specific? Ross:(takes a long drink, looks befuddled) What? Fletcher; General, as in just craving sex. Or specific, as in wanting sex with a particular individual... like say, a certain red head who answers to the name Blake? Ross:(wishing he hadn't started thinking out loud) Fletcher, where did you come up with that? I was talking philosophically. Not about myself, but about humankind, and why the universal "man" gravitates towards the things that always hurt him. Fletcher: Oh, so this has nothing to do with Blake, and the fact, for some inexplicable reason and despite all that has happened, you find she still does it for you? She's a beautiful woman. It isn't unusual. Ross: Let's just say for the purpose of a relevant example that we were talking about Blake. Fletcher can barely contain his laughter; the look of Ross' face is so earnestly comical. Fletcher: Then, as your friend, I say you have two choices! Ross:(trying to appear uninterested) Yes? Fletcher: One, you can give in to your baser lust. Ross:(emphatically) Not an option! Fletcher: Or... (pauses for dramatic effect) the never quit so satisfying alternative... take a COLD shower!!(hands him another beer) Now, enough of hypothetical and being philosophical. Shut the hell up, and let's watch the game. Ross grins, thankful Fletch didn't persue it further. He stares at the tv screen. ****************** >> >"Republicans understand the importance of bondage between mother and child." >--Former U.S Vice-President Dan Quayle on Republican Family Values. >> >"Republicans understand the importance of bondage between mother and child." >--Former U.S Vice-President Dan Quayle on Republican Family Values.