Love's Labours Lost & Found Written by Pam Purdy ( FADE IN: 1. INT. HOLLYBEND - TWILIGHT CAMERA OPENS on HOLLY, huddled on the sofa in the growing darkness and hugging a pillow. She looks devastated. BARBARA enters, carrying bags of groceries. BARBARA: Holly! What are you doing sitting here alone in the dark? (She puts down the groceries and flicks on a table lamp.) This can't be good for you. HOLLY: Oh, Mom, I can't help thinking - what if Fletcher is right? FLASHBACK TO: 2. INT. COURTHOUSE - DAY HOLLY is on the witness stand being examined by KATHLEEN REARDON [played by Ellen Parker]. KATHLEEN: I remind you, Mrs. Reade, you're under oath. Now, once and for all, will you admit that you failed to turn on the baby monitor? LEO (jumping to his feet at the defense table): Asked and answered. Counsel is badgering the witness, Your Honor. HOLLY (sobbing): I did! I did turn it on. I swear I did. Meg never made a= sound. FLETCHER (sitting at the plaintiff's table, spits out): You're a liar! You let our baby die! 3. INT. HOLLYBEND - TWILIGHT HOLLY: Maybe I am responsible for Meg's death. (A single tear rolls down her cheek.) BARBARA (sitting beside her and patting her hand): You mustn't dwell on it, dear. Remember what Ed told you. Sudden Infant Death Syndrome is still a medical mystery. Meg's death was nobody's fault. Fletcher was half-crazy with grief when he brought charges of child neglect against you. He just needed somebody to blame. And the judge dismissed the charges. Doesn't that prove my point? HOLLY: Doesn't matter what the judge said. I still feel guilty. I'm afraid I always will. 4. INT. BAUER KITCHEN - TWILIGHT KATHLEEN is standing at the counter, putting the finishing touches on a cold-cut sandwich. FLETCHER is seated at the table with his head propped up on his hands. KATHLEEN: So, tell me, do you still think I'm such a hotshot lawyer, now that I couldn't get a guilty verdict for you? FLETCHER: You did the best you could. You pulled out all the stops. Face it - courts always side with the mother. KATHLEEN (offering him the sandwich): Here. Bet you haven't eaten all day. FLETCHER: (stares at her). FLASHBACK TO: 5. INT. BAUER KITCHEN - DAY MAUREEN hands FLETCHER a sandwich. 6. INT. BAUER KITCHEN - TWILIGHT KATHLEEN (jerking the sandwich away): Damn you! You're thinking about her again, aren't you? Marvelous Maureen. Such a sweetie pie! Such a fabulous cook! Mo would probably have made you a five-course dinner. (She plops down in a chair and chomps on the sandwich.) FLETCHER: I can't help it sometimes, Kathy. You look so much alike. KATHLEEN: We talked alike, we walked alike, sometimes we even dressed alike, but Ma never had a problem telling us apart. Mo was the good twin, Miss Goody Two-Shoes. I was the troublemaker. Mo made the honor roll. I ran off with a bass player in an acid rock band. Even now that I've gotten my stuff together and traded my tie-dyes for power suits, Ma still treats me like a drugged-out hippie. I can tell what she's thinking every time she claps eyes on me - why is Mo dead when I'm alive? Well I am alive, damn it, and I won't be anybody's stand-in, especially not Maureen's. FLETCHER: I know who you are, Kathy. You're a good friend and a great lawyer and a beautiful woman. (He reaches across the table and takes her hand.) I couldn't have survived without you. ED (entering and dropping his medical bag onto the counter): What's he doing here? KATHLEEN: Ease up, Ed. We had a rough day in court. ED: A rough day? I'll say. You failed to railroad a grieving mother on a charge of negligent homicide. I don't want him in my house. FLETCHER: I'm grieving too, Ed. ED: Do it someplace else. FLETCHER (getting up even though KATHLEEN tries to stop him): It's okay. I'll call you in the morning. Verdict or no verdict, I'm going ahead with the divorce. (He exits.) ED: You don't buy into that grieving father act, do you? KATHLEEN: It's not an act. ED: It's a ploy, then. He's playing on your sympathies. You do realize he had a big thing for Maureen? Almost busted up our marriage. He may be looking at you, but he's seeing Maureen. KATHLEEN: Well, he's not the only one, is he? (She slams out of the room.) 7. INT. HOLLYBEND - NIGHT HOLLY enters the darkened kitchen in her nightgown, turns on a single light, takes a bottle of whiskey out of the cabinet, pours a straight shot, and drains the glass. SOUND of a knock on the front door. HOLLY ignores it, stares into her empty glass. ROGER (off): Holly, it's me. HOLLY: Roger!=20 She puts down the glass and hurries to open the door. ROGER stands there disheveled, unshaven. She throws her arms around him, and he strokes her= back. ROGER: I knew you probably wouldn't be able to sleep. HOLLY: I'm sick of talking about it. I'm sick of thinking about it. (She pulls him to the couch.) How are you? ROGER: I went down to the TV station. Glutton for punishment. Dinah had the security guards throw me out on my ear. HOLLY: Can she get away with that? ROGER: She has my power of attorney. I may be out and about now, but I'm still legally insane. Do you know she sent her goons to evict us from the Jessup farmhouse? Would have, too, if Leo hadn't been able to prove that Laura is the legal owner. HOLLY: Laura=85 ROGER: She's been terrific. Even though I still feel I let her down all those years ago, when we were in the Agency together, she moved heaven and earth to get me out of the loony bin. She even got a friend of mine out,= too. HOLLY: Did you ever discover what she's been doing since you saw her last? ROGER: Since I thought she'd died in the line of duty? She won't talk about it. I'm sure she was held prisoner for a long time, and I'm sure it wasn't pretty. HOLLY: It would be interesting to know for certain, though. (SOUND of knocking.) Oh my God, why can't people just leave me alone? ROGER squeezes her hand and goes to open the door. LAURA [played by Nancy Grahn] is standing there, with the REV. SMITH [played by a bleached-blond Frank Beaty] standing beside her. LAURA: See, I told you he'd be here. (Embraces ROGER.) I just missed you at the station, darling. Guess you've been having another real bad day. REV. SMITH (crossing to Holly and taking both her hands in his): What are you doing still up, Mrs. Reade? You'll wear yourself out. HOLLY: Don't call me that. Call me Holly. Oh, Reverend Smith, I can't sleep, I can't eat, I'm no good for nothing. REV. SMITH: Now, Holly, you're going to give me an inferiority complex. I thought you were doing a bit better these days, thanks to our counseling sessions. HOLLY (smiles wryly): If I'm this bad off with our sessions, just think how bad I'd be without them. ROGER: (watches them curiously and doesn't see the evil eye that LAURA is giving HOLLY). LAURA (linking her arm with his): Come on, darling, let's get you home. You're still not up to snuff, you know. Escaping from a bobby hatch is almost as strenuous as living in one. (Sees HOLLY watching them with a touch of envy and gives her a sweet smile. LAURA and ROGER leave together, he exhausted and leaning on her arm.) REV. SMITH: Would it help if we had one of our talks now? HOLLY (clutching her nightgown at the neck): I think it would, but first let me put a robe on. (Exits toward her bedroom.) REV. SMITH (to himself): Oh, Holly, you're so frail, so lovely! I saw you looking at him. He's not good enough for you. Well, I'm going to see to it that you don't throw yourself away on him again. 8. INT. BOARDINGHOUSE KITCHEN - MORNING BEA REARDON dishes up a plate of pancakes at the stove and sets them in front of QUINT, at the kitchen table. He pushes the plate away. QUINT: What time is it? BEA: Two minutes later than the last time you asked me. Eat something. Those kids are going to run you ragged out at the dig tomorrow. QUINT: Do you think we should call the hospitals? BEA: Why not call the FBI? Why not send their pictures to _America's Most Wanted_? QUINT: For pity's sake, Bea, they've been out all night. Don't you care she's been up to? BEA: I have a pretty good idea already. Least said the better. AMANDA (entering the back door without knocking, with eyes only for Quint): Oh, good, I caught you. (Lays her briefcase on the table. Her hair is pulled back, and she is wearing a flattering suit.) The final permits came in. BEA: Morning, Ms. Spaulding. AMANDA: What? Oh, good morning, uh, Bea. I rushed them through for you, Quint. I was able to get you everything you wanted. QUINT (distracted): That's nice. Do you know what time it is? AMANDA: Eight-thirty. QUINT: Eight-thirty! (Jumps up and paces the kitchen.) They've been gone for the better part of a day. How soon can you report a missing person? AMANDA: Why, I'm not sure. Forty-eight hours? I don't understand. Who's= missing? The door bangs open, and NOLA and KELLY enter laughing. QUINT: Where the hell have you been? NOLA: What's it to you, Mr. Almost Ex-Husband? If you must know, we drove to Chicago to see a show. Then we went to a little after-hours club on Rush Street. And then we=85Never mind. (Yawns ostentatiously.) I'm so sleepy. Can you handle the breakfast crowd, Ma? I just have to get some shuteye. QUINT: (fumes and doesn't notice AMANDA sizing up the situation and calculating how she can make it work to her advantage). NOLA (stroking KELLY'S arm): How about you, Kel? You sleepy too? KELLY (not responding to her caress): I don't know. It's my day off from Cedars, and it's great out. Hate to waste a day off sleeping. I think I'll take a swim. 9. EXT. COUNTRY CLUB SWIMMING POOL - MORNING BEN, in swimming trunks, is sitting on the side of the pool and swinging one foot pensively in the water. MICHELLE [played by Rachel Miner] enters, wearing a short terry-cloth cover-up over a modest suit. BEN's eyes light up when he sees her. BEN: Hey, Chelle, I thought you'd never get here. Where's Bill? MICHELLE: (shrugs, sits down a couple feet away from him, with her knees tucked under her chin). BEN: Feel like a swim? MICHELLE shrugs again, and they sit in silence, BEN gazing raptly at her, MICHELLE wrapped up in her own thoughts. Then BILL comes running in, followed, more slowly, by DAHLIA, in a sexy suit that shows off her curvaceous figure. MICHELLE hugs her knees to her flat chest. BEN watches her anxiously. BILL (shouting): Last one in's a rotten egg! (He races up the ladder to the diving board, checks to see if DAHLIA is looking, and does a show-offy dive into the pool.) DAHLIA: (stretches out on a lounge chair and rubs sun block on her arms). BEN: Wanna play Marco Polo? Nobody responds. BILL swims laps. MICHELLE broods. DAHLIA suns herself. Then KELLY ambles in, looking spectacular in his Speedos, with a towel around his neck. DAHLIA sits a little straighter in her chair, the better to display her bosom, although we're not sure if she knows that's why she does it. DAHLIA: Hi, Dr. Nelson. My application came through. I'm going to be a candy-striper this summer. KELLY (patting her shoulder): I think it's great that you should volunteer, Dahlia, with everything else you have to do. And call me Kelly. "Dr. Nelson" makes me feel ancient. DAHLIA (preening): Thank you=85Kelly. BILL: (resting his arms on the side of the pool, looks daggers at KELLY). DAHLIA (standing): Would you like to swim? KELLY: In a minute. Have to make a phone call first. CAMERA FOLLOWS KELLY as he slips into the country club and climbs the back stairs to a private room. He knocks on the door. CLOSE-UP of KELLY as the door opens and he breaks into a dazzling smile. CAMERA PULLS BACK to show= WYATT. WYATT: God, I thought you'd never get here! (They embrace.) 10. INT. TOWERS CLUB - NIGHT DAHLIA, accompanied by MARCUS, is singing "My Man." During the number, we see REACTION SHOTS of ABIGAIL, in a simple dress, and J [played by Scott DeFreitas], who are holding hands, and STACEY [played by Lily Melgar], sitting a little apart from them at the same table, with her eyes fixed on MARCUS. We also see LILLIAN, in a gorgeous evening gown, standing on the sidelines with HAMP, who has his arm around her waist. The song finishes to enthusiastic applause. DAHLIA disappears backstage, but MARCUS goes over to STACEY, who gives him a hot kiss. STACEY: That was great, Marcus, even better than when I caught you in Paris two years ago. MARCUS: The night Miss Dinah tried to scratch your eyes out. STACEY: Like I'd really come on to that piece of Euro-trash she had her hooks into. Count, what was it, Romanoff? No count, more likely. MARCUS (laughing): No count trash! STACEY: If he was Russian royalty, I'm the Queen of Romania. Dinah's taste is all in her mouth. MARCUS: Now don't you be dissing my girlfriend. Dinah's spunky. STACEY (rolls her eyes): I hate spunky. ABIGAIL: (signs rapidly to J, who signs back). STACEY: Lovebirds sharing secrets. I hate that too. If Abby hadn't spent her life in the boonies, she'd realize my baby brother is no Brad Pitt. J: Abby says it's getting late, and we've all got a big day tomorrow. Hey, Stace, do you think Dad's right? You think we're gonna dig up something at that lighthouse that will "change Chamberlain family history"? STACEY: So what if we do? Quint is your father, remember? My father spent the night in Chicago with our mother. (He winces, and her eyes sparkle wickedly.) Tell Abby we don't have to get up to milk the cows tomorrow. Tomorrow the four of us are off on a great adventure. J: Off to get our knees scraped and our fingernails dirty. You know as well as I do, Stacey, there's nothing glamorous about a dig. STACEY: Tomorrow we change history. But tonight=85The night is young, Abby, and we're so beautiful. I know. Let's go buy a monkey. Just kidding. Tonight= - The houselights dim, and a spotlight comes up on HAMP on the bandstand. HAMP: Ladies and gentlemen, your attention, please. We have a special treat for you tonight. He smiles at LILLIAN, standing to the side of the bandstand. She smiles back, a little nervously, crosses the fingers of both hands, and shakes them at him. Just then LEO comes up behind her and taps her on the shoulder. During their dialogue, we can just hear HAMP continuing his introduction in the b.g. LEO: Lillian, hi, I'm sorry to bother you right now, but I wanted to be sure you're still prepared to testify for Holly. Fletcher served her with divorce papers this afternoon. LILLIAN: Of course I will. I could just kill Fletcher. After all Holly's been through! LEO: I was wondering if we could get together, maybe tomorrow, and go over your deposition. LILLIAN (hesitant): I - LEO: We could meet for lunch at the Springfield Inn. LILLIAN: I'm not sure if - HAMP: =85and so it's my great pleasure to present to you Miss Lillian= Raines! LILLIAN mounts the stage and, accompanied by HAMP, sings a dynamite version of "Crazy" while LEO watches as if every word spoke to his heart. 11. INT. THE DINER - MORNING A T-shirted BUZZ is behind the counter chewing the fat with a BUDDHIST MONK who just got off the boat from Korea. REVA, wearing an apron over a red sundress, is sitting in a booth confabulating with a male PERFORMANCE ARTIST dressed in a red-white-and-blue spangled crop top, pink hot pants, and platform shoes. In the next booth, THREE CZECH SAILORS are talking in their native tongue. In the opposite booth, FOUR HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS are sharing a large platter of cheese fries. BUZZ: So I can't tempt you with a Buzz Burger, huh? MONK: No meat. Just salad. You have rice? BUZZ: Rice? Yeah, we got rice. Hey, listen, man, how many more of you are= there? MONK: Just me. I speak at 5th Street Community Center tonight. I teach meditation. BUZZ: Well, thank Buddha for small favors. Got a hard enough time keeping this joint going without us being invaded by a bunch of rabbit-food munching monks. REVA: Hey, Buzz, pipe down a minute, will you? I can't hear myself think. (To the PERFORMANCE ARTIST): So you wanna do a poetry reading in the diner? ARTIST: Poetry? Heavens, no! I'm an artist, dear. An action artist. My friends and I want to stage a performance here. You don't have a problem with snakes, do you? He reaches into a satchel on the seat, pulls out a boa constrictor, and drapes it around his neck. REVA shrieks. BUZZ rushes over. The three of them gabble on top of one another, to the amazement of the other customers. Just then the kitchen door swings open and MRS. POPOV comes out in a huff. UNCLE STAVROS is right behind her. MRS. POPOV (shaking a spoon at him): Two cups of honey, you crazy old coot.= Two! UNCLE STAVROS (wagging a knife at her): Three, you stubborn old woman! Three cups of honey. MRS. POPOV: You put in three cups of honey, you ruin the baklava. UNCLE STAVROS: You put in two cups, it tastes like straw. The door flaps noisily as they chase one another back to the kitchen, from which a muffled argument continues to be heard. REACTION SHOTS of BUZZ, REVA, and the customers, all agog. ANGLE ON the vibrating door as we hear: BLAKE (off): Business as usual, I see. CLOSE-UP of the MONK, looking lecherous. REVERSE ANGLE on BLAKE, looking luscious in casual slacks and a turquoise blouse with short sleeves. BLAKE: Hey, Reva. Hey, Buzz. You guys know where Frank is? BUZZ: Haven't seen him yet today. (He slides into the booth next to the ARTIST, lifts the snake's head, and makes fish faces at it.) REVA (crossing rapidly to BLAKE near the door): How you doing, Blake? BLAKE: I have a new rule, Reva. If something bothers me, I pull down the blinds. (She makes a gesture as if tugging the cord on a window shade.) Then I go on about my business. REVA: But losing two little babies that way -=20 BLAKE: I'll think about that tomorrow. Today I'm trying to pick up the slack for my mother. She prefers to handle her problems by sitting home alone and brooding about them. And of course she can't very well work with Fletcher= now. REVA: I reckon not. What the hell is he thinking? BLAKE: We don't get into that. Anyway (pulling a reporter's notebook out of her purse), he's assigned me to cover Lucy's disappearance for the Journal. Any news? REVA: Not a peep. (Lowers her voice.) Buzz blames the whole mess on the Spauldings, naturally. He's convinced Lucy ran away because Alan-Michael sided with his father in the 5th Street takeover scheme. BLAKE: Fat lot of good that did him. You ever find out where the money came from? REVA (shaking her head): Mrs. Popov still insists an angel appeared to her on the 5th Street Pier and handed her a briefcase stuffed full of enough cash to pay off the mortgage _and_ take over Advantage Systems. Of course, Mrs. Popov also claims that Lucy got into a boat with the angel, and the two of them sailed off into the fog. BLAKE (poising a pen over her notebook): What did this "angel" look like? REVA: Well, Frank had Mrs. P. work with a sketch artist down at headquarters. Picture looked a lot like that man, what was his name, that architect who was living in the lighthouse for a while? He's vanished too. Police went over that lighthouse with a fine tooth comb and didn't find a single fingerprint they couldn't identify. BLAKE: Curiouser and curiouser. I just have to talk to=85I'll see you later, Reva. (She exits.) BUZZ (coming up behind REVA and wrapping his arms her in a bear hug): What was that about? REVA: Blake's playing reporter now. BUZZ: Poor kid! REVA: Yeah. Makes me realize how lucky we are. (Turns in his arms.) Kiss= kiss. BUZZ (bending her backward over the counter so that her hair just brushes the MONK's salad bowl): Bang bang. MARAH (off): Mama. ANGLE ON BUZZ and REVA, who spring apart. ANGLE on Marah in doorway clutching her doll. REVA rushes over and kneels beside her. REVA: Marah, sweet pea, what in the world are you doing here? MARAH: Mama, please, Mama, I need your help. They hug. BUZZ looks worried 12. EXT. 5TH STREET PIER - MORNING CAMERA FOLLOWS BLAKE as she hurries along the waterfront. She stops short when she spots FRANK and TINA, sitting side by side on a pair of pilings with their heads together. BLAKE: Frank! I've been looking for you everywhere. What are you doing here? FRANK: Not now, Blake! (His eyes are wet.) BLAKE: (looks hurt). FRANK: I'm sorry, Blake. (Comes over and puts his arm around her shoulder.) I shouldn't have snapped at you, of all people. BLAKE: That's okay, Frank. FRANK: It's just that, between Lucy and Eleni, I'm half out of my mind. BLAKE: No problem. Forget about it. I'll give you a call this evening, 'kay? (She hurries off.) FRANK (sitting down again): Tell me again what Eleni said. TINA: That I was making it up, that you knew all along Dahlia was your daughter and that's why you worked so hard to get me out of prison in exchange for my testimony against the prostitution ring. I did the best I could, Frank, but she's still convinced that you and I are - FRANK: Having an affair. Damn Uncle Stavros! I told him why I was hugging you, because Dahlia doesn't want to have anything to do with you or me. But he had to go tell Eleni about it. Now she wants me to choose between Dahlia and Marina. Tina, I saw how it tore up Harley when she had to turn her back on her baby. Now matter what happens, I'm not gonna give up on either one of my daughters. TINA: And you mustn't give up on Eleni either. You'll get her back. FRANK (anguished): How, Tina, how? TINA: I don't know, baby, but you will. (They embrace, and we see that it's costing her a great deal to conceal her true feelings from Frank.) FRANK: You know, I wasn't exactly a straight arrow when I was a kid. TINA: Me neither. FRANK: But if I knew then what I know now, how your children can tear your heart out, if I could, I'd go back and do everything different. 13. INT. TV STATION - MID-MORNING ANGLE ON the elevator as the doors slide open and PETEY emerges, holding a videotape. CAMERA FOLLOWS him as he walks through the bustling front office and looks high and low for someone. He stops in front of a door marked "Videotape Library." A YOUNG MAN passes, and PETEY tugs on his trousers. PETEY: Hey, Mister, what's 'at say? (Points at door.) YOUNG MAN: Videotape Library.=20 PETEY: Thanks! (He opens the door.) Hey, Matt, you in here? It's me. The room is half dark. SOUND of a stack of tapes tumbling over and clattering to the floor. There's an editing table in the center of the room. A shirtless Matt, wearing tight jeans, his hair tousled, rises up from behind the table. He looks flustered. PETEY: I brought it. _Jurassic Park_. Marah gave me it. DINAH: (also rises up, her blouse askew). PETEY: Hey, Dinah! Is this where you make the copies? MATT (snatching his shirt from the floor and bottoning it rapidly): How'd you get here by yourself, squirt? PETEY: I didn't. I rode up in the front elevator, is all. I can name all the dinosaurs in it. Wanna hear? DINAH (impatiently, straightening her blouse): Who's with you? PETEY: Mommy and Daddy. There's raptors and T. Rex and brontosaurus -=20 DINAH: Copying commercial tapes is illegal, in case you didn't know. She pushes past him into the front office, arriving just as the doors to the service elevator open to reveal BRIDGET pushing HART [played by Leonard Stabb] in a wheelchair. They come out of the elevator. DINAH (spitefully): Well, well, if it isn't Florence Nightingale. BRIDGET (giving as good as she gets): Well, well, if it isn't the Black Widow Spider. She mates and she kills. Only you're not exactly a widow yet, are you, Dinah? DINAH (ignoring her, kissing HART): How are you feeling today? HART: (can't respond, but gives her a black look). BRIDGET: How would you feel if you fell off a cliff helping some stupid ditz with her stupid plan? MATT: Put a sock in it, Bridgie. It's not her fault that somebody sold Hart a defective bungee cord. PETEY: And allosaurus and stegosaurus and - BRIDGET: No, but it is her fault that he jumped off the cliff in the first place. DINAH (pushing her in the chest): Shut up, you little frump! BRIDGET (pushing back, harder): You shut up, you stupid bitch! LAURA (off): It's true what they say. CAMERA ON LAURA, looking shapely in a green dress with a colorful scarf around her neck. LAURA: Happy families are all alike. (She goes over to HART and hugs him, gently. He gives her a pleading look.) DINAH: What are you doing up here? I told the guards - LAURA: And I told them I had a paper to serve on you, revoking that power of attorney. (Hands it to her.) Leo drew it up for us. It's perfectly legal. DINAH: Is it? Is it? I don't believe lunatics have legal rights. Here's what I think of your paper. (Rips it to shreds.) LAURA: If you don't show up for the hearing, I'll have the bailiffs come and haul your skinny little ass down to the courtroom. DINAH (snorts): And I'm going to have a security guard toss your fat ass out in the street right now. MATT: Dinah, calm down. You're upsetting Peter. PETEY: (doesn't look upset, is studying the picture on the sleeve of his videotape). MATT (taking Laura's arm): Come on, Laura. This won't solve anything. (Steers her toward the front elevator.) LAURA (calling back to HART over her shoulder): I'll come visit you tonight at the boardinghouse, darling. (To DINAH): And I'll see you in court. DINAH: I'll see you in hell first. CAMERA FOLLOWS MATT and LAURA into the elevator. It descends half a floor before he pushes the stop button. LAURA (reaching for the button): Oh no you don't. MATT (grabbing her by both arms and pinning her against the wall of the elevator): We have to settle things. LAURA: Like hell we do. MATT: Like hell we don't, unless you want your precious Roger to find out exactly what you've been mixed up in all these years. (He kisses her passionately. She struggles for a moment, then surrenders to him.) 14. INT. SEEDY MOTEL ROOM - NOON The blinds are drawn, but we can make out the shape of two bodies under the tumbled covers. CLOSE SHOT of a graceful white arm as it emerges from the bedclothes and reaches for a bottle of whiskey on the floor. Hand shakes bottle and finds it empty. A darker hand reaches out to grasp the first and lift it to his lips. We see ROSS kiss the hand and kiss his way up the arm until his lips nuzzle a neck. CAMERA PULLS BACK, and we see VANESSA sigh. VAN: Deja vu all over again. What time is it? ROSS: Who the hell cares? (Kisses her deeply.) VAN (gently detaching herself and sitting up with the sheets pulled up to her chin): Must be nearly noon. ROSS (propping himself up on the pillows beside her): It's not like either one of us has a life any more. You come home from a sanitarium to find your husband in bed with our daughter - VAN: And your wife delivers two babies prematurely, just in time for you to find out that only one of them belonged to you. ROSS (closing his eyes briefly against a sad memory): Oh God, the babies! I would have loved them both equally, Vanessa, I swear I would. If only they had lived! VAN: You don't care that Blake was boinking your best friend's son? ROSS: I don't care that she did it. I care that she lied about it. She lied to me over and over again. And when I gave the blood for the transfusion, and the first baby died, she still lied about it. I'd still be in the dark if my nephew Phillip hadn't told me the truth so I wouldn't beat myself up over the baby's death. And when the second baby died too, in spite of everything=85Hand me that bottle. VAN: It's empty. It's all gone. All gone. Everything. ROSS: We still have one another. VAN: Whoop-de-doo. ROSS: (looks crushed). VAN: I'm sorry. I didn't mean that. I couldn't get through this without you. Oh, Ross, what are we going to do? ROSS: Go buy another bottle, and to hell with them all. VAN (fiercely): No. I'm tired of being a doormat. I'm going to think of a way to make them pay. ROSS: You and me together, huh? Like old times. (Slings an arm around her.) Don't get mad, get even. VAN: Damn right! If they think we're just going to sit here feeling sorry for ourselves, they've got another think coming. 15. EXT. LEWIS CAROUSEL - NOON The carousel building has burned to the ground. All that remains are sodden ashes and a ring of badly scorched horses, covered in soot. Dressed in a raggedy old bathrobe, ANNIE wanders from horse to horse, patting a back here, stroking a neck there, kissing another on top of its head. Her lips and hands are black with soot, and she is zonked out of her mind on= painkillers. ANNIE: Hi, Peanuts. Hi, Patches. I didn't mean it, Flicka. I'm sorry,= Trigger. ANGLE ON MARAH and REVA, watching her from the bushes. MARAH: See, Mama, I told you. Something's wrong with Annie. REVA (hunkering down and whispering to her): You know about Blake's babies, don't you, Marah? MARAH: Annie says she killed Blake's babies. REVA: She did no such thing. Blake and Annie were in a cabin in the mountains. Blake was upset about=85Well, we won't get into that now. Too complicated. Anyway, Blake was upset, and Annie was trying to make her feel better. Then the babies started to come out of Blake's tummy, and Annie tried to help, but=85but the babies were just too little to live. MARAH: That's so sad, Mama. REVA: Yes it is, it sure is. But you see, Annie didn't kill them. Even after Rick and Ross came and found them in the mountains and brought them back to Cedars, there just wasn't a darn thing all the doctors in the whole hospital could do to save those poor sweet babies. MARAH (mulls it over while watching ANNIE talk to the carousel horses. Then): In school=85 REVA: Yes, Marah? In school? MARAH: In school they tell us, "Say no to drugs." Did Annie say yes to drugs, Mama? Is that why she burned down our Land of Wishes, Hopes, and= Dreams? REVA: I don't think so, sweet pea. What I think is, Annie was real upset about Blake's babies, and she came down here in the middle of the night with a kerosene lamp, and it fell over. Wasn't anybody's fault. MARAH: But=85would Blake's babies have lived if Annie didn't take her= headache medicine? REVA is groping for words when suddenly JOSH looms up behind them. JOSH: Is this how you get your kicks now, Reva, hiding in the bushes and spying on a sick woman? ANNIE: (hears JOSH and runs off into the woods like a frightened deer). JOSH: Damn! Now look what you've done. MARAH: Don't be mad at Mama, Daddy. I asked her to come. JOSH: (is torn between dealing with MARAH and pursuing ANNIE). REVA: Go on, Bud. I'll make sure Marah gets back to the house okay. JOSH runs off after ANNIE. REVA takes MARAH's hand, and they walk out into the clearing to gaze at the charred remains of the carousel building. REVA: Come on, sweet pea. We're not doing anybody any good here. I bet Mary is turning the house upside-down looking for you. MARAH (shaking her head): Mary just watches her shows and reads those dumb soap opera magazines all day. (Clutches REVA'S hand.) Shayne and me, we really need you, Mama. Swinging their clasped hands, REVA and MARAH turn their backs on the carousel and stroll off in the direction of the house. As soon as they're out of sight, BUZZ emerges from the shrubbery on the other side of the clearing. He crosses to the carousel and gives a blackened horse a soft punch on the cheek. BUZZ: Giddyup, Old Paint. You look like I feel. 16. INT. SPAULDING PRESIDENT'S OFFICE - AFTERNOON PHILLIP sits behind the president's desk and surveys his kingdom with a satisfied, if somewhat rueful, smile. RICK flings the door open. He is= ticked. RICK: Well, pal, how do it feel? PHILLIP: Feels pretty good, pal. RICK: Yeah, right. You got everything you wanted, and you don't give a hoot in hell what it cost the rest of us. PHILLIP: Please, Rick, buddy, not that old song again. Let's not go there. RICK: Go where? Go to you threatening Blake to tell Ross about her and me? Go to her running off to the Bauer cabin? Go to her losing her babies? My baby? How much are you gonna take from me, old pal? Haven't I given you enough for one lifetime? PHILLIP (looking stricken, but fighting back): Well, Rick, if we have to leaf through our back pages, don't skip the chapter where Blake forged Alan-Michael's name on their joint checking account to pay Neil and Gary for setting me up. That only cost the two of us five years of our lives, if you remember. RICK: Blake's a different person now. PHILLIP: Like hell she is. If you believe that, I have some marshland down by the lighthouse I'd like to sell you. RICK: Oh, the lighthouse. Funny you should bring that up. You find out anything more about that guy, that architect, who rented the lighthouse? PHILLIP: He rented it from you, pal, that's all I know. Otherwise the guy seems to have vanished into thin air. RICK: It couldn't be you paid him to get Lucy out of the way? PHILLIP: You're nuts. I hardly knew him. What'd I pay him with, anyway? The millions of dollars I made running soup kitchens on Navaho reservations? RICK: He gave the Spaulding family as a reference. PHILLIP (sarcastically): That narrows it down. RICK: Looks to me like the Spaulding family gets narrower and narrower every day. First Lucy runs off, supposedly with this architect. Then Alan-Michael steps down to spend all his time searching for her. Then you and Alex pool your resources to squeeze out Alan and Amanda. Which leaves you sitting pretty in Alan-Michael's executive chair. PHILLIP: It was my chair, first. Don't forget that. (Gets up and goes over to RICK.) Listen, buddy, about Blake -=20 BLAKE (appearing in the doorway): What about Blake, Phillip? If you have anything to say about me, you can say it to my face. Of course that wouldn't be your style, would it? PHILLIP: I was just about to tell him not to trust you as far as he can throw you. RICK (putting a protective arm around BLAKE): And I was just about to tell you to get a life. Get a wife, for that matter. What do you hear from Beth lately, Phil? PHILLIP: I'm warning you, Rick. If you get involved with this treacherous little tramp, you'll be sorry. I'm telling you that as a friend. BLAKE: Tell me, Phillip, why do you always take such an unhealthy interest in Rick's love life? Whenever he has a woman, why do you always want to have her too? PHILLIP: I wouldn't have the woman he has now if she came gift-wrapped in oil leases. BLAKE: Oh, I don't know, Phillip. I seem to recall you enjoyed it pretty much the last time around. She deliberately puts her arm through RICK's and starts to hustle him off, but they run smack into GILLY, entering the office with a stack of file folders, which scatter all over the floor. GILLY: Hey, watch where you're - (Sees it's BLAKE and bites her tongue.) BLAKE: Enjoying your new job, Gilly? It was my old job once. Just remember what they say - lie down with dogs, get up with fleas. (She sweeps off with RICK in tow.) GILLY: What did they want? PHILLIP (kneeling to help her pick up the papers): Same old, same old. (Looks after BLAKE and RICK with a furious glint in his eyes, then turns to give GILLY a burning glance.) Shut the door, why don't you? GILLY: (reaches out and gives the door a push). PHILLIP: So, Gilly, are you enjoying your new job? GILLY (with a seductive smile): It's okay so far. (They fall into one another's arms.) 17. INT. SPAULDING YACHT - AFTERNOON Despite the sunshine pouring through the porthole, ALAN-MICHAEL [played by Rick Hearst] is sacked out on the bed in the main cabin, lying crosswise on it. He's fully dressed in slacks and a polo shirt. HARLEY, wearing shorts and a halter top, enters with a bundle of mail in her hand. She selects an envelope and biffs him on the head with it. HARLEY: Mail call, sleepyhead. Rise and shine. A-M: (yawns, stretches, rubs the sleep out of his eyes, squints at the envelope HARLEY is waving in his face, snatches it, rips it open, and reads the enclosed letter avidly before balling it up and tossing it across the cabin.) Lucy hasn't used a single one of our credit cards in all this time. Not one. HARLEY (sitting cross-legged on the bed and riffling through the rest of the mail): Angels don't need money. A-M: God, if I hear that one more time=85(Jumps up and paces the cabin.)= Just because your husband ran off with the devil incarnate - HARLEY: A bimbo incarnate. A-M: Doesn't mean my wife ran off with the Archangel Zachary, or whatever he's calling himself these days. HARLEY: Well, you believed Mrs. Popov enough to follow that sailboat to Florida - A-M: Where it turned out to have nothing to do with anything - HARLEY: And where you didn't find your wife, exactly, but you did find one of your wives and brought her back to Springfield with you - A-M: Where all she does is plague me with nonsense about angels and fog. HARLEY: You know, the more I think about you marrying my sister, the more it weirds me out. No wonder you all didn't ask me to the wedding. Maybe=85maybe= I could square the circle if I eloped with Phillip. A-M: Aside from the fact that both of you are still married to other people, I doubt that Golden Boy has time these days to squeeze you into his busy schedule. HARLEY: It really bugs you that he took over from you at Spaulding. A-M: No. What bugs me is, he and dear Aunt Alex waited about thirty seconds before they had me voted out, along with Dad and Amanda. HARLEY: Amanda was over here last night, did I tell you? While you were out quizzing sea captains. Crying on my shoulder about some guy she has the hots for. A-M: Really? That's strange. Well, Amanda may have other fish to fry, but you can bet Dad doesn't, not since he lost Advantage Systems. If I were Alex and Phillip, I'd watch my back. HARLEY: Where the heck is Alex, anyway? I went over to the mansion this morning to see if I could find out if she was the Spaulding who gave Zachary his reference, and one of the maids told me she took the jet and flew off to the Caribbean on vacation. A-M: The Caribbean? You're kidding. In the summer? HARLEY: I just report the facts, kiddo. I don't make 'em up. Then I tried to talk to your father, but the maid said he wasn't receiving visitors. A-M: He'll receive this visitor. (Grabs his wallet from the dresser and stuffs it into his hip pocket.) I'm going to get to the bottom of this Zachary business once and for all. ALAN-MICHAEL throws the door open to find ELENI standing on the threshold looking distraught. ELENI: Oh, thank God you're here. (Hugs him tight.) Please, Alan-Michael, I know how worried you are about Lucy, but I just have to talk to somebody. It's about Frank. And Tina. HARLEY: Well, well, well. Looks like it's old home week for old wives. You two party kids behave yourselves now. I'm gonna go check on that lighthouse rental agreement one more time. CAMERA FOLLOWS HARLEY as she exits the cabin and walks along the deck. When she reaches the gangplank, she's astonished to see JOSH standing at the foot of it. HARLEY: Josh. Long time no see. JOSH: Harley. I heard you were back. They stare at one another. 18. INT. SPAULDING MANSION KITCHEN - LATE AFTERNOON GINGER is on the house phone. A chaotic mess of pots, pans, and foodstuffs indicate that she is in the midst of slapdash dinner preparations. GINGER: Yes, Master=85I mean, yes, Mr. Spaulding. Champagne and caviar. In= the study. Right away. No, I haven't heard from the Mistress. If I do, I'll tell you first thing. She hangs up and looks hopelessly around the kitchen as if wondering how to conjure up champagne and caviar from this confusion. Suddenly HAWK comes up behind her, spins her around, seizes her in his arms, and swings her around in circles. HAWK: Howdy, darlin'. You miss the old man? GINGER: You put me down this minute, Hawk Shayne! HAWK: I'll put you down all right, darlin'. (He lifts her up and lays her down on the kitchen table, where he paws at the front of her uniform and showers her with kisses.) GINGER (trying to wriggle out of his grasp): Stop it, stop it! I'm mad at you. You went off without a word, just took off with the Mistress. And now here you are slobbering all over me, when she could come in and catch us any time. HAWK: Now how's she gonna do that, darlin', when she's still down in the Caribbean her own self? Sent me back alone, made me fly commercial. (He lets her go and retrieves a paper bag he dropped on the floor.) But I did pick out something mighty pretty for you in the duty-free shop. (Rummages around in the bag, finds what he's looking for, and offers her a seashell= necklace.) GINGER (struggling to her feet): Ooo, this is pretty. (Takes it.) But I'm still mad at you, 'cause you're still engaged to the Mistress, and I'm not having anything to do with you until you're unengaged. And I'm not wearing your necklace 'til then, either. (Shoves it into a drawer.) Now you look in the refrigerator for some of those awful salty fish eggs. I'm going down to the wine cellar for a bottle of champagne. (Exits through cellar door.) HAWK stands in front of the open refrigerator and nibbles on this and that from various bowls of leftovers. We see DONNA sneak up behind him and wrap her arms around his waist. HAWK (not turning around): Is that you, darlin'? DONNA: You bet your boots it is. (Her hands slide down out of camera range.) Honk, honk. HAWK: (gives a start, turns around, sees DONNA, glances toward the cellar door, shrugs, and sweeps her into his arms.) Donna, my Donna, my little blonde bundle of joy, I missed you something fierce. DONNA: Me too, Hawk, honey. Why I - (SOUND of phone ringing. Reluctantly, DONNA disengages from HAWK and picks it up.) Yes, Master=85I mean, sure= thing, Mr. Spaulding. Champagne and caviar. Coming right up. 19. INT. SPAULDING MANSION STUDY - LATE AFTERNOON ALAN is alone, hanging up the phone. He walks to gilded wall mirror. He stares at his face. He smoothes his hair with his fingers. He straightens his tie. He walks to the window and looks out, but apparently doesn't see what he's looking for. He walks to the desk and starts to scribble a note on his desk calendar, only to give up and fling down the pen. He walks to the bookshelves and runs his finger along a row of books, but nothing seems to catch his fancy. SOUND of a knock on the door. ALAN presses both hands to his heart as if it's beating faster. He forces himself not to run to the door. ALAN (calling out): Yes? Who is it? Come in. The door opens to show SONNI CARRERA, looking tan and terrific in a skimpy white dress. SONNI: Who do you think it is, lover? The Big Bad Wolf? ALAN: I see you made good use of that week in a health spa. You= look=85stunning. SONNI (while walking around the room examining various knickknacks): A week in a health spa is just the thing to cancel out years in a funny farm. I told Roger he should try it. He looks awful ALAN: You went to see Roger first? SONNI: Had to, lover. If it wasn't for him and Laura, I'd still be cooling my heels in that clinic my family had me locked up in because I didn't conform to their idea of a good little girl. (Picks up a vase and studies the underside.) Is this Ming? ALAN: Yes. No. I don't know. For God's sake, Sonni - SONNI: For God's sake, Alan, take it easy. Which do you want to hear first - my plans for dealing with Phillip and Alex or how much I missed you? ALAN: You know the answer to that. (He strides over to her, locks her in his arms, and kisses her feverishly.) 20. INT. SPAULDING MANSION SECRET PASSAGE - LATE AFTERNOON CAMERA SHOOTING PAST ALEX as she watches SONNI and ALAN embrace. Disgusted, ALEX whirls around to face the CAMERA. ALEX: You see? Didn't I tell you? That vixen has her claws in him, and she not going to let go. My family, my company, they're all in jeopardy. And I thought Reva Shayne was a menace! Sonni Carrera will ruin us all. CLOSE SHOT of a woman's hand, with long red-painted fingernails, as she flicks an ash from a cigarette in an ivory holder and we HEAR a throaty voice speak. VOICE: Get a grip, Alexandra. CAMERA FOLLOWS the lit cigarette as the woman raises it to her lips, revealing the face of SUSAN PIPER. She draws deeply and blows smoke at the CAMERA. SUSAN: I think I know just how to clip that little kitty-cat's claws. FADE OUT "Don't be so open-minded that your brains fall out." Linda Bowles