Guiding Light:


Last Modified July 29, 1998

Courtesy of: Marni Centor

Select a Time Period:

1930s | 1940s | 1950s | 1960s | 1970s | 1980s | 1990s

This timeline attempts to cover the major events in GL's entire history, but it is sketchy in many places.

Most of the information for 1937-1985 was taken from Christopher Schemering's 50-year anniversary book about GL. I have tried to include important milestones, such as arrivals, marriages, births, divorces & deaths.

The rest is based on my memory & files and the memories & files & old magazines of lots of other GL fans on RATS/RATSC and the GL discussion list (especially Wendy, Dave D., Sheila, Shelby, Ella, Joan, Diane W., Dale, Anja, Ray, Shawn, Lil, Pat C., CBD, Maike, Toni). Guiding Light: The Complete Family Album, by Julie Poll and Caelie M. Haines, has also been helpful for confirming some timeline events.

If you see anything out of order, or you know a more exact date than the one given in the timeline, please let me know. Also, if you know the date of a significant event not included in this timeline, please let me know so I can add it. Please state your source (e.g., old updates, old tapes, magazine article, "it happened at the same time as/right before/right after ___"). I'll update the timeline periodically with whatever new information I receive.

A Few Questions:

When exactly were the following characters introduced?

When & how were the following characters written off?

When did Josh & Annie get engaged for the first time?

(I know it was sometime between 1/13/95 and 3/7/95.)

Please send replies to Marni (mccb AT idt DOT net by personal e-mail. Thanks!

Guiding Light

Cari D. Burstein - cdaveb AT anybrowser DOT org